
The Dante Alighieri Society is your gateway to Il Mondo in Italiano … the culture, language, food, wine, history, art, opera, music, cinema, fashion and industry of Italy.

The Dante Alighieri Society is a non-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of Italian language, literature and culture. Its network connects over 134,000 people, Italians and non-Italians worldwide with 482 locations in more than 80 countries, 6 of which are in Canada. Founded in 1889 by Italian poet Giosuè Carducci, the Dante Alighieri Society connected Italians outside of Italy to their roots. Now, anyone who is passionate about all things Italian is welcome to join the Dante.

Members have access to a wealth of rich cultural and networking events,  discounts on participating organizations in Italy, and other benefits. Membership is open to all who share an interest in the language and culture of Il Bel Paese.