Cari amici, Buon Anno 2022 a voi e ai vostri cari.
Vorremmo ricordarvi che l’Assemblea Generale (Riunione Annuale) dei Soci della Società Dante Alighieri di Ottawa si tiene domenica 23 gennaio alle ore 16:00. Il link alla videoconferenza, alla quale è richiesto di registrarsi in anticipo, si ottiene scrivendoci a noi. Si ricorda che occorre essere soci della Dante da almeno tre mesi per poter votare alle elezioni del Consiglio di Amministrazione.
Il Comitato Nomine riceve nominativi di persone interessate a candidarsi alle elezioni del Consiglio di Amministrazione. Le lingue di lavoro e i documenti ufficiali della Dante Ottawa sono in italiano e/o inglese.
Le quote d’iscrizione per l’anno in corso sono $40 per adulti, $60 per una coppia, $25 per studenti e anziani. Vi ricordiamo che per iscriversi alla Dante quest’anno è possibile pagare per e-transfer. Per ulteriori informazioni clicca nostra pagina Membership.
Per questo mese di gennaio siamo lieti di segnalarvi il programma mensile del ICFF e alcune iniziative presentate da altre organizzazioni culturali che offrono una ricca programmazione gratuita ed aperta a tutti su vari aspetti della cultura italiana.
Cordiali saluti.
Wednesday January 12, 3pm – The World Remembers: Why remember Italy’s 1915 -1918 history?
The Istituto Italiano di Cultura Toronto presents a unique online event that is as touching as it is informative. The loss of hundreds of thousands of young Italians in WWI is rarely remembered. The dramatic events of the war in Italy, the multiple cultural identities of those who lived on the borders of Austro-Hungary affected hundreds of thousands of Italian families. The project The World Remembers wishes to summon these lost men from history’s shadows by individually naming them in public for the first time.
Award-winning Canadian actor R H Thomson will tell of his journey to build this personal commemoration and of his search for the Italian soldiers’ names. The World Remembers allows families to search for their relative’s names, find information about them, and when their family’s name will appear in a display in Ottawa’s Canadian War Museum. We will hear of the breakthrough with Istoreco Reggio Emilia that may bring 530,000 Italian names back into the public eye after a hundred years.
Online via ZOOM | Free Event | Registration Required
Click here for more information.
Friday January 21, 12:30pm – Italy@Design.TO 2022 – Politecnico Milano 1863
The Istituto Italiano di Cultura Toronto, in collaboration with the Polytechnic University of Milan (Politecnico di Milano), is pleased to participate in this year’s edition of DesignTO with a webinar on Italian architect, industrial designer, furniture designer and artist Gio Ponti.
Gio Ponti (1891-1979) was the emblem of Italy rising from the ashes of war, powerfully regaining a first rank position in postwar international architecture. Post-1968 architectural discourse has been deeply influenced by the very idea that architecture should be anti-capitalist; Ponti has been described by scholars as an aesthete not interested in politics. His name has been reestablished as the inventor of “Made in Italy”, gaining an international audience.
Gio Ponti: The Hyper-Italian
Presented by Prof. Fulvio Irace
Online via ZOOM | Free Event | Registration Required
Click here for more information.
Starting January 25 – ICFF Monthly Program
The Italian Contemporary Film Festival is thrilled to announce the re-opening of the ICFF Monthly Program Online (Al Cinema con L’Altra Italia) from January through May 2022. The online program will allow our audiences to participate in a movie-only membership, offered virtually through our online platform with the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). The membership will offer the newest released films accompanied by Q&As, live interviews with directors and actors and so much more.
Click here for more information.
IDEAS Italy – Italian Dialogues on Excellence, Arts and Science
IDEAS – Italian Dialogues on Excellence, Arts and Science – è un progetto della Direzione Generale per la Promozione del Sistema Paese del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale.
L’obiettivo è raccontare storie, volti ed esperienze di un’Italia innovativa, virtuosa e policentrica attraverso cinque ritratti-documentario di eccellenze in specifici settori delle arti e del sapere (impresa e sociale; architettura e design; arte e patrimonio; scienza, ricerca e innovazione; arti sceniche e performative).
Clicca qui per informazioni.
Study in Italy! Available bursaries and special offers
Dante Alighieri Ottawa has received 5 bursary applications from La Scuola Dante Alighieri Recanati offering a discount on a 4 week program, and 5 applications for free housing for students interested in a 2 week program.
Please contact the SDA Ottawa directly to receive a bursary application. Alternatively, click here and follow the links to apply online and for more information about the school and programs offered.