Giugno 2024

by | June 3, 2024

Care amiche e cari amici,

Siamo lieti di segnalarvi una bella offerta di eventi in presenza che hanno luogo questo mese a Ottawa e poi un’indicazione per luglio con eventi a Toronto.

Per quanto ci riguarda vi invitiamo per un saluto il 15 o  il 16 giugno sul palco della Settimana Italiana a Preston Street, e il 25 giugno per l’ultimo Cinema Dante della stagione.

Buona estate a tutti!

Wednesday June 5 – Sunday June 16  – Italian Week Ottawa

This year’s edition of Ottawa Italian Week is underway until June 16!  The festival features more than 15 events in and around the heart of Ottawa’s Little Italy with programs celebrating Italian culture, cuisine, art, music, and traditions.
Click here for more information.
Click here to view the schedule and plan your visit.

La Dante Ottawa will welcome children, youth and adults, rain or shine, with fun cultural activities on the main stage at the corner of Preston and Aberdeen Streets, on Saturday June 15, 12:45-1:45pm and 5-6 pm, and on Sunday June 16, 11:30-1:00 pm and 3:45 to 4:45pm.

Sunday June 9, 3pm, Centro Storico (Villa Marconi) 1026 Baseline Rd – “Gino: A Child of War”

Combined Forces Collaborative Production and the National Congress of Italian Canadians-National Capital District are proud to present the film “Gino A Child of War“; a docudrama that sheds light on the boundless hope and resilience of the human spirit amid the chaos of war. The film narrates the incredible story of Gino Farnetti, a 5 year-old boy discovered by compassionate Canadian soldiers wandering amidst the war-torn ruins of Torrice, Italy, in 1944. For the next 10 months, Gino found shelter, nourishment, and care among his Canadian guardians. A special bond formed between Gino and “Red” Lloyd Oliver, and this film portrays their remarkable relationship and the untold story that connects them.

This event will be held June 9th at the Centro Storico, 1026 Baseline Rd.

Please join us!

For more information and to purchase tickets, click here

Martedì, 25 giugno, Cinema Dante, ore 18:30, OPL Sunnyside Branch – Scusa se esisto

La Società Dante Alighieri Comitato di Ottawa in collaborazione con l’Ambasciata d’Italia è lieta di invitarvi a questa proiezione. L’evento è gratuito ed aperto a tutti.

Serena è un architetto di talento. Dopo i successi professionali all’estero, ha deciso di tornare a lavorare in Italia, perché ama il suo paese. Nella ricerca di un posto di lavoro si trova di fronte a una scelta folle, farsi passare per quello che tutti si aspettano che lei sia: un uomo… O così pare. Incontra Francesco. Il compagno ideale. Se non fosse che a lui non piacciono le donne…

Regia:  Riccardo Milani
Anno:   2014
Lingua: Italiano con sottotitoli in inglese
Durata: 98 minuti

Martedì, 25 giugno Tour delle Frecce Tricolori in Canada | Ottawa e Montreal

In occasione delle celebrazioni per il Centenario dell’Areonautica Militare Canadese, martedì 25 giugno le Frecce Tricolori  della Pattuglia Acrobatica dell’Areonautica Militare Italiana saranno visibili a Ottawa e Montreal. Le Frecce voleranno in Canada per la prima volta dopo oltre 30 anni dall’ultima missione.

Informazioni piu` precise sull’ora saranno disponibili cliccando qui.

Vi proponiamo inoltre un bel docufilm sulle Frecce Tricolori prodotto dalla RAI quest’anno e accessibile su Youtube. Per visionare cliccare qui.

On the occasion of the Royal Canadian Air Force Centennial celebrations, the Italian Airforce Aerobatic TeamFrecce Tricolori, which celebrated its 63rd birthday, is coming to Canada for the first time in over 30 years since its last mission. On June 25, Frecce Tricolori will be visible in Ottawa and Montreal.

More detailed information on the time will be announced soon here.

A special RAI documentary available on YouTube featuring the Frecce Tricolori is available for viewing here (in Italian only.)

Friday June 28, 6pm, Concert with Gruppo Arciliuto – TU MUSICA DIVINA: 100 Years of Italian Songs

THE EMBASSY OF ITALY IN OTTAWA is proud to present:

“TU MUSICA DIVINA” 100 years of Italian songs.

The concert will be a journey through the eras of Italian music, where the audience is involved in a fun and at times touching show, in a combination of joy, emotion and lightheartedness. The musical journey starts from the historical roots of Italian song, from the Neapolitan melodies of the early 1900s to the advent of the radio in the 1920s, to the difficult years of the war, from the cultural rebirth of the 1950s to the carefreeness of the 1960s, to season of singer-songwriters, up to the present day, also passing through the international standards that have influenced Italian music.

Tickets are free but limited. Please register here.

June 27 – July 21 – ICFF 2024 | Italian Contemporary Film Festival, Toronto

If you are planning to be in Toronto this summer, keep in mind the Lavazza IncluCity Festival, an international event showcasing a selection of films representing Canada’s rich cultural mosaic. Boasting an incredible lineup of outdoor screenings, conferences and special events, the festival offerings include various art forms, including music, dance, gastronomy and tours!

For more information, to view the 2024 film line up, and purchase tickets, click here.

Friday July 5 – Sunday July 14 – ICFF at home – 2024 Edition

Can’t make it to Toronto? View the 2024 lineup from your living-room! You have two options to choose from:
  • All-Access Festival Pass gives you access to the full ICFF at Home film festival program for $32.00
  • Single Movie Tickets are available for purchase only during the official online festival dates for $6.99

Click here for more information, to view film line-up, and purchase tickets

Please note: All films are available in Italian with English subtitles and films can only be streamed in Canada.