Marzo 2022

by | March 30, 2022

Care amiche e amici,

per questo mese ci limitiamo a segnalarvi alcune proposte culturali con una componente italiana, offerte da varie fonti.

Buona lettura, buona visione e buon ascolto.

Fino a domenica 6 marzo – Festival International du Film pour Enfants Montréal (FIFEM)

Due cortometraggi e quattro film di produzione italiana nella programmazione della 25a edizione del FIFEM (Festival International du Film pour Enfants Montréal), con il sostegno dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Montréal.

Clicca qui per più informazioni.


Dimanche, 6 mars, 16:00 – La Nouvelle Realité | Journée Internationale de la Femme

Pour célébrer la Journée international de la femme, le Congrès national des Italo-Canadiens (Région Québec) organise chaque année depuis 2010 une conférence pour souligner l’importance de l’intégration des femmes dans le milieu professionnel.

Cette année, sous le thème La Nouvelle Réalité, deux femmes extraordinaires, Marina Boulos-Winton, la directrice générale de Chez Doris e Dre Emilia Liana Falcone la directrice de la clinique de recherche IRCM Post-COVID-19 (IPCO) et directrice de l’Unité de recherche sur le microbiome et la défense mucosales à l’Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal, partageront leur impressionnant parcours professionnel. L’événement sera suivi d’une période où vous pourrez leur poser des questions.

Animé par Sabrina Marandola, animatrice de l’émission de radio “Let’s Go” de CBC.

Pour plus d’informations, cliquez ici.

Tuesday March 8, 4pm – 5pm – International Women’s Day | Mathilde Serao

The Dante Alighieri Society of Michigan is hosting guest speaker Michael Pacitti from London for this presentation.

Michael translated two of Matilde Serao’s novellas, Thirty Percent (Trenta Percento) and Lucky Numbers (Terno Secco), are now available in a single volume on Kindle.

Matilde Serao was the first woman to edit and publish a newspaper in Italy. She was the chronicler par excellence of the Naples of her time and a woman of indefatigable ambition. Her portrayal of Naples in the late 19th century in all its anarchic and decadent magnificence is the genesis of everything that proceeds it. She should be honored as the great-great Godmother of the feminist chronicler of Naples de nos jours, and her contribution to Italian literature should not be ignored.

For more information and to register, click here.

Wednesday March 9 – Sunday March 20, 2022 – International Film Festival of Ottawa

The second International Film Festival of Ottawa makes the leap from your computer screens into cinemas! After a cancelled inaugural Festival in 2020 and our first edition online in 2021, we are excited to bring IFFO to audiences with cinema screenings and talks in downtown Ottawa.

Showcasing 27 of this year’s best feature films, plus 27 new Canadian short films, special programs, and filmmaker talks, IFFO brings international festival films to Ottawa cinephiles.

Click here for more information.

Thursday, March 17, 9:30-10:45pm ET – North Americans do Business like Italians do Lunch

The Dante Alighieri Society of British Columbia in collaboration with the Italian Institute of Culture in Toronto invites you to a web talk by Dr. Ernesto Sirolli.

Following several decades of work with global entrepreneurs and communities, Dr. Ernesto Sirolli will share his insights on how he engages European audiences to understand innovative business practices in California. Get ready to be entertained and provoked by this Italian with the most Italian followers on TED.

Event will be hosted in English online via Zoom.
Free for members of Dante Ottawa, $10 donation for non members.
For more information and to RSVP click here.


Venerdi’ 18 marzo, ore 11:30 ET – Assemblea dei soci della Dante 2022

Vi segnalamo che venerdi’ 18 marzo alle 16:30 (11:30 ET) in via San Gallicano 25 (Roma Trastevere) ci sarà l’Assemblea dei soci della Dante. Vi invitiamo a partecipare in presenza ma sarà possibile seguire la riunione anche in modalità online (link qualche giorno prima).

Friday March 18, 4pm and Sunday March 20, 2pm – Live Events – Two Lectures

The Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) Ottawa Society is offering the following two lectures with the support of the School of Classics and Religious Studies at the University of Ottawa presented by Professor Roger Wilson from the University of British Columbia.

Thursday March 18, 4pm
Dining at the Grave: Life and Death in Early Byzantine Sicily at Punta Secca

Sunday March 20, 2pm
Philippianus and his Late Roman Estate: Recent Excavations at Gerace, Central Sicily

Both lectures will be held at 70 Laurier East, room 509, University of Ottawa.
Please click here for more information.

Alessandro Barbero Video e Podcast – Come scoppiano le guerre? La seconda guerra mondiale

Il 23 agosto 1939 Hitler e Stalin firmarono un patto di non aggressione, e il 1 settembre Hitler invase la Polonia sperando che le potenze democratiche, Francia e Inghilterra, non sarebbero intervenute. Si sbagliava: quel giorno scoppiò una guerra che doveva concludersi solo sei anni dopo e provocare distruzioni su una scala che il mondo non aveva mai conosciuto. Ma perché i negoziati che Stalin aveva condotto in vista di un’alleanza con i paesi democratici erano falliti, convincendolo all’innaturale alleanza con la Germania nazista? E cosa spinse Francia e Inghilterra a intervenire, quando l’anno prima avevano assistito passivamente all’invasione dell’Austria e della Cecoslovacchia da parte dei nazisti, dando a Hitler la sensazione che anche stavolta nessuno lo avrebbe fermato?

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Trova tutte le presentazioni di Barbero al Festival delle mente qui
Trova il suo canale YouTube “La storia siamo noi” qui