Cari amici e amiche,
ecco una raccolta eclettica di proposte e inviti per i prossimi giorni. Cogliamo anche l’occasione per ricordarvi che la Dante si regge sulla collaborazione di volontari e vi invitiamo a partecipare al nostro lavoro, proponendo nel caso anche la vostra candidatura a membro del consiglio di amministrazione. Scriveteci con le vostre idee o suggerimenti!
Cordiali saluti.
Until November 29 – Italy @TIFF Cinématèque | Lost and Beautiful: New Italian Cinema
Fresh off Alice Rohrwacher’s TIFF premiere of her short Le Pupille, TIFF Cinematheque presents Lost and Beautiful: New Italian Cinema, a spotlight on internationally celebrated contemporary Italian filmmakers — Alessandro Comodin, Michelangelo Frammartino, Pietro Marcello, and Rohrwacher— who have revitalized their national cinema with uncompromising and visionary films. Curated by Andréa Picard and co-presented in partnership with Cinecittà, the Italian Cultural Institute, and the Consulate General of Italy, Toronto.
Films will be available online through TIFF Lightbox. For more information and the full selection of films, click here.
Tuesday, November 15 12:00pm – NORR ed Master Series | Morris Admji on Aldo Rossi – via Zoom
NORR ed Master Series, in collaboration with the Istituto Italiano di Cultura – Consulate General of Italy, invites you to the Morris Adjmi presentation, followed by a panel discussion on Italian architect Aldo Rossi.
Morris Adjmi, FAIA – Aldo’s former student and associate, will explore the late architect’s legacy and provide a unique opportunity to learn about the conceptual development of Aldo Rossi Design 1960-1997 – an exhibition designed by Morris Adjimi, in collaboration with Fondazione Aldo Rossi,currently on display at the Museo del Novecento in Milano, Italy.
For more information and to register click here.
Friday November 24, 11:00am-12:00pm – Managing the Cyber Risk in a Decoupled World – in person seminar
The last thirty years witnessed the growth of both globalization and digital transformation, with information systems becoming interconnected and distributed on a worldwide scale with Information Technology (IT) aimed to become a commodity. However, the future trend appears to be a progressive decoupling of supply chains. This shift towards the deglobalization of supply chains would require the development robust technologies and algorithms compliant to society values, which in turn is expected to increase the number, the magnitude and complexity of cyber attacks coming from other geopolitical blocks.
Join special guest Roberto Baldoni, Director General of the National Cybersecurity Agency of Italy, as he sheds some light on what this could imply in terms of technology, computing paradigms and nation IT capability.
For more information and to register, click here.
Friday November 25 – Tuesday November 29 – Salvatore:Shoemaker of Dreams – Documentary Bytowne Cinema
Acclaimed filmmaker Luca Guadagnino (Call Me by Your Name) tracks Salvatore Ferragamo’s life from humble beginnings to fashion icon.
Combining a treasure trove of 100-year-old archival footage; an extraordinary stop-motion “shoe ballet”; and incisive commentary, this documentary is a portrait of a man whose vision, passion, and craftsmanship made him “shoemaker to the stars” and an enduring cultural, fashion, and artistic influence.
For more information and showtimes click here.
Saturday November 26, 6:30pm – European Union Film Festival Ottawa – OAG Alma Duncan Salon
The European Union Film Festival is the annual festival of European cinema in Toronto, dedicated to bringing exceptional films from all over the European Union, with free access to films not distributed or rarely seen in Canada. In-person or online, the spirit of the European Union Film Festival remains unchanged: it presents a wide array of diverse films and authentic stories to be discovered.
This year, Italy presents one of its most iconic comic series on film, Diabolik.
For Diabolik tickets click here.
For more information about the European Union Film Festival click here.
Thursday December 1, 7:00pm EST – Italy’s Urban Boom in the Late Roman Republic | Canadian Institute for Mediterranean Studies – Zoom Webinar
A significant urbanization phenomenon swept through the Italian peninsula in the second and first centuries BCE. Communities across Italy invested considerable amounts of labour and financial capital into monumentalizing their urban spaces, a process which coincided with one of the most transformative periods in the region’s history. This lecture, delivered by Drew Davis, Crake Doctoral Fellow in Classics at Mount Allison University, will explore how this commitment to public construction in turn (re)created and constructed communities and forged local identities.
For more information and to register click here.
Italian Film Streaming – MOVI[E]ITALY
Movieitaly is the first on-demand streaming platform that aims to share Italian culture through the moving image, offering the very best Italian filmography both of the past and of current days, made by the iconic performers and the great timeless directors with more than 250 titles.
Spanning from neorealism to “commedia all’italiana”, from social denounce cinema to crime giallos, from spaghetti western to auteur documentary. This and so much more to express on film all of the moods, the emotions, the stories, both big and small and real or fictional, of a country filled with beauty.
30% discount on annual subscription FALL30
For more information and to subscribe click here.
Podcast – Voci dalla Farnesina
“Voci dalla Farnesina” è il canale podcast del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, inaugurato a novembre 2020 e sviluppato con la collaborazione di ANSA e di altri media partner.
Ogni episodio racconta, con le voci di coloro che lavorano al Ministro degli Esteri e nella vasta rete di Ambasciate, Consolati e Istituti di Cultura, l’operato della Farnesina in Italia e nel mondo, consentendo così uno sguardo “dietro le quinte” sull’attività della Farnesina: politica estera, cooperazione allo sviluppo, assistenza ai connazionali in difficoltà, emissione di visti turistici e d’affari, ma anche commercio internazionale, promozione del Made in Italy e molto altro.
Clicca qui per più informazioni.