Ottobre 2022

by | October 14, 2022

Cari amici,

buon Thanksgiving e buon proseguimento del mese di ottobre per il quale vi segnaliamo una carrellata di eventi on line e un paio in presenza presso Carleton University, di cui uno in concomitanza con la ‘Settimana della Lingua italiana nel mondo’ che quest’anno e` dedicata particolarmente ai giovani.

Tuesday October 11 – Thursday October 13 – “Where Life Begins” – Online Film Screening

The Istituto Italiano di Cultura Toronto is pleased to co-present with the Toronto Jewish Film Foundation the Canadian premiere of Where Life Begins.

A beautifully-rendered and sensitive love story set in Italy during the holiday of Sukkot. An ultra-orthodox Jewish family from Aix-les-Bains in France comes to a farm in Calabria for a brief stay every year to carry out a sacred mission: harvesting citrons. Here, the farm owner Elio, played by Riccardo Scamarcio, connects with Esther, the rebellious rabbi’s daughter. At age 26, she is under much family pressure to marry. Through their time together, Esther discovers her own path, and Elio finds the inner peace he had lost for a long time. An impressive directorial debut by French film star Stéphane Freiss (Call My Agent).

For more information, click here.

Friday October 14 – November 29 – Italy @TIFF Cinématèque
| Lost and Beautiful: New Italian Cinema

Fresh off Alice Rohrwacher’s TIFF premiere of her short Le Pupille, TIFF Cinematheque presents Lost and Beautiful: New Italian Cinema, a spotlight on internationally celebrated contemporary Italian filmmakers — Alessandro Comodin,  Michelangelo Frammartino,  Pietro Marcello, and Rohrwacher— who have revitalized their national cinema with uncompromising and visionary films. Curated by Andréa Picard and co-presented in partnership with Cinecittà, the Italian Cultural Institute, and the Consulate General of Italy, Toronto.

Films will be available online through TIFF Lightbox. For more information and the full selection of films, click here.

Sunday October 16, 2:00pm – Soldiers and Civilians in Roman Arabia: The Evolution of Roman Nabataean Relations at Humayma

The Ottawa chapter of the Canadian Institute for Mediterranean Studies(CIMS) in collaboration with the College of Humanities at Carleton University, invite you to a presentation by Barbara Reeves from the Department of Classics at Queen’s University.

This lecture will present archaeological evidence for the nature of the evolving relations between soldiers and civilians at this site of the Nabataean town of Hawara (modern Humayma) from the second century CE and the four centuries that follow.

This presentation can be attended in person at 303 Patterson Hall, Carleton University or online.

Click here for more information.

Domenica 16 ottobre ore 15:00-16:30EDT – L’Italiano e i giovani | Webinar

In celebration of the XXII Settimana della lingua italiana nel mondo, the Societa’ Dante Alighieri Michigan invites you to a webinar with Paolo D’Achille of Accademia della Crusca, from Rome, Italy.

“L’italiano dei giovani degli anni 2020 [duemila venti o venti venti?] tra standard, neostandard, nuovi anglicismi e ‘risorgenze’ dialettali.”

In his presentation Prof. D’Achille will provide a quick historical overview of the Italian language spoken by young people focusing also on the definition of “young”. He will frame the language spoken by young Italians as a variant of contemporary Italian. Prof. D’Achille will also show concrete (mostly lexical) examples of the language used by young Italians, in reference to a book published by the Accademia della Crusca on this issue.

The presentation will be in Italian.

For more information and to register click here.

Lunedì 17 ottobre ore 20:00 EDT – La Fabbrica dell’Italiano – Documentario

Il docufilm “La Fabbrica dell’Italiano” entra dentro la storia dell’Accademia della Crusca e della nostra lingua. La storia si sviluppa dagli esordi dei primi fondatori dell’Accademia alla creazione del primo Vocabolario, passando attraverso materiali d’archivio, scene di fiction e interviste a personaggi illustri del nostro panorama culturale fino ai nostri giorni, con la descrizione delle attività che vedono la Crusca coinvolta e raccontano dell’evoluzione della nostra lingua e dunque della nostra Storia.

Il documentario sarà disponibile per 72 ore a partire dalle 19:00 CT (20:00 EDT) del 17 ottobre, 2022.

Guarda in streaming

Thursday October 20, 6:00pm – Resilient Love – Carleton University

The Italian Embassy, the Swiss Embassy in Canada, and the Istituto Italiano di Cultura of Toronto, in collaboration with Jobel Art For Earth,Carleton University, and Società Dante Alighieri Ottawa invite you to participate to Resilient Love, a live event with music, dance, and storytelling around Italian pop songs.

For more information and tickets, click here.

Venerdì 21 ottobre ore 15:00-16:30 EDT – L’alfabeto della rinascita: viaggio nell’eccellenza italiana – Webinar

In occasione della “Settimana della lingua italiana”, la Società Dante Alighieri Society del BC, in collaborazione con l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Toronto, vi invita alla conferenza online del sociologo Francesco Morace: “L’alfabeto della rinascita: viaggio nell’eccellenza italiana”.

Prendendo spunto dal suo ultimo libro, il Prof. Morace ci accompagnerà in un viaggio nel cuore dell’imprenditoria e dell’eccellenza italiana toccando i seguenti punti:

• Italian Human Design
• Valori e stereotipi italiani
• Il senso del gusto e l’amore per il dettaglio
• L’ingegno applicato
• La cooperazione che parte dalle famiglie
• Fatto su misura
• Estetica ed Etica aumentata

Clicca qui per più informazioni.

Wednesday October 26, 10:00am – The Future of Italian-Canadian Communities

This online conference examines the state of the Italian-Canadian communities today and where they are headed.

Participants include Prof. Paolo Frascà (Department of Italian Studies – U of T), Corrado Paina (Executive Director of ICCO Canada), and special guest, the Hon. Frank Iacobucci.

Organized by the University of Toronto Department of Italian Frank Iacobucci Centre for Italian-Canadian Studies and ICCO – Italian Chamber of Commerce of Ontario Canada.

Click here for more information.