Cari amici e amiche della Dante Ottawa,
siamo lieti di segnalarvi alcuni appuntamenti, di cui alcuni in presenza e altri online.
Tuesday October 8, 2024 5:30pm – 7:00pm – “All’Alba Vincerò!” A musical journey through Puccini’s masterpieces | Carleton Dominion-Chalmers Centre, 290 Lisgar Street
The Embassy of Italy in Canada invites you to the opera recital “All’Alba Vincerò!” A musical journey through Puccini’s masterpieces: an unforgettable evening filled with breathtaking performances of Giacomo Puccini’s most beloved arias, by talented Italian artists (soprano Claudia Pavone, tenor Valerio Borgioni and pianist Claudia Mariani) from the Puccini Festival of Torre del Lago, one of Italy’s premier opera festivals.
Registration is required, few seats remain. Register here to reserve your seat.
This event is free of charge.
Doors open at 5:00pm. Please use the entrance located at 290 Lisgar St.
Tuesday October 15, 2024 6:00pm – 8:20pm – Cinema Dante – OPL Sunnyside Branch | Film “La ragazza nella nebbia” Free of charge and open to all
On the occasion of the 24th Week of the Italian Language in the World which this year is dedicated to the role of books in the Italian language, Dante Ottawa and the Ottawa Public Library present “The Girl in the Fog” a 2017 film directed by Donato Carrisi, based on the novel by the same title written by Carrisi himself. A psychological thriller taking place in a small northern alpine town about the case of a missing youth, investigative work and the role of the media.
The film will be shown in Italian with English subtitles.
The book is available in English on loan from the OPL.
Regia: Donato Carrisi
Anno: 2017
Lingua: Italiano con sottotitoli in inglese
Durata: 128 minuti
Wednesday October 16, 9:30pm – 11pm EST/ 6:30pm – 8pm PDT – Italians Writing Beyond Borders | A bilingual (EN/IT) Roundtable in person and via Zoom
To celebrate the 24th Week of the Italian Language in the World, the Dante Alighieri Society of BC, with the support of the Headquarters of the Dante Alighieri Society in Rome and the patronage of the Consulate General of Italy in Vancouver, presents “Italians Writing Beyond Borders” a bilingual cultural event celebrating Italian writers abroad. This hybrid roundtable (in-person and via Zoom) brings together Italian authors and scholars from the North American literary scene to discuss their transcultural experiences in both life and writing.
For more information about this event and to register, click here.
Sunday October 20, 3pm-4pm EST / 12pm – 1pm PDT – Unveiling Italian Poetry: A Webinar with La Revue de Belles-Lettres | Dante Society of BC
The Dante Alighieri Society of BC, with the kind support of the Consulate General of Italy and the Consulate General of Switzerland in Vancouver, presents “Unveiling Italian Poetry: A Webinar with La Revue de Belles-Lettres“.
This event will be held via Zoom in English with readings in Italian and in English translation.
For more information about this event and to register, click here.
Sunday November 3, 3pm – 5:30pm – Olive Oil Tasting – Centro Storico, 1026 Baseline Road
For more information and to purchase tickets, please contact Fogolar di Ottawa.
Please note: deadline for ticket sales is Oct 25.
Fino al 20 dicembre, 2024 – “Sander Sardinia 1927” – Mostra fotografica – Istituto Italiano di Cultura Montréal
SANDER SARDINIA 1927| La Sardegna secondo August Sander: un viaggio fotografico mette in luce August Sander (1876-1942) attraverso una mostra di 40 fotografie e autocromi rari e poco conosciuti scattati in Sardegna nel 1927. Questo ciclo sardo del fotografo tedesco August Sander sarà visibile per la prima volta tempo nel continente americano.
18 settembre 2024 – 20 dicembre 2024
Entrata libera
Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Montréal
1200 Av. du Dr Penfield
- dal lunedi al giovedi: 9:00 – 13:00 e 14:00 – 17:00
- il venerdi: 9:00 – 13:00
Clicca qui per piu’ informazioni.
Infine, se vi interessasse contribuire al lavoro del consiglio di amministrazione della Dante Ottawa in qualita` di Tesoriere per il prossimo biennio gennaio 2025-dicembre 2026, saremmo molto lieti di parlare con voi. Contattateci. Un giovane, per esempio, otterrebbe una bell’esperienza lavorando nell’esecutivo di una piccola organizzazione non governativa gestita interamente da volontari.
Finally, if you, or someone you know, would be interested becoming part of a small not-for-profit volunteer organization, please consider joining the Board of the Dante Ottawa. We are looking for a Treasurer for the 2025-2026 term. If you would like more information about the role, please contact us!